Right state has another advantage, it can be surprisingly broad category of measurable spaces, on the principle - it pays for Poland and the Poles - in purely economic terms, but not only. Profitability can be measured . there are more measurable category in which the value is realized Polish raison d'etat. It is a strategic category, is to determine long-term goals, mission and election, which on the one hand it a bit odpolityczna, at least at first glance, on the other hand starts new areas, sometimes surprising political arguments. An example of such an argument, I choose with care especially irrational:
simply imitate the Germans, who also have the long-term, selfish national policy.
There is one moment, the binding Polish raison d'etat with the tradition of the Constitution of May 3, and the continuity of civilization, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. We wrote about this a year ago, and fervently discussed with Maryla. I remember this and worked out the concept and its strategic content unite, not only symbolically, with the holiday on May 3, which also becomes the Day Polish raison d'etat.
opposition against the concept of Polish raison d'etat, and its objectivity
the opposite of most important to note the discussions held, is to use an argument involving the non-existence of Polish raison d'etat [ 2 ] :
- Show where it is published, the Polish raison d'etat and under what signature file?
The objective nature of the Polish raison d'etat is the cause of a simple phenomenon. Polish State's right there, so now we can analyze whether a particular political action is the Polish raison d'etat in line, or in conflict with it. We can measure how far and to what extent differ from the Polish national interest. Business, business. It is a measure.
The fact that the Polish raison d'etat, there is - that's for sure.
is just indescribable . .
And one more element that became very apparent to me after my last discussion with czubasem. [ http://michael.salon24.pl/72663, index.html ] kind of Polish raison d'etat is apolitical, as profitability is apolitical. Polish raison d'etat should be less dependent on policy options, not very sensitive to the political interests of the left or right. Just as in Germany. Changing governments, and the German national interests are carried out for decades, a surprisingly consistent.
Well, the Polish national interest, Polish raison d'etat is the nature of things and for obvious reasons, right-wing category. There is no left-wing Polish raison d'etat, it is a concept devoid, empty. Therefore, all politicians, and ordinary people, whose minds stuck in the mentality of Homo Sovieticus so hard to think in terms of Polish raison d'etat. This is an area outside their scope of imagination and understanding. Maybe that's why none of the Polish elite so far have taken place as to describe the Polish raison d'etat. Polish elites are left, so they can not write about something that happened to them in the head does not fit. PiS government after he took the throne as a mission-Polish raison d'etat, which, of course, the whole Polish elite of the Third Republic seemed to be totally incomprehensible and nonsensical. They could not clearly comprehend what is incomprehensible to them. Polish reason of state does not exist in terms of left-wing ideology. I will not explain here, not to unnecessarily dywagować. But I am willing to separate justification of this thesis.
take out of here three applications, or even more.
will turn out as I write, I count them then:
First: Describing the existing Polish raison d'etat is the most important political task, as you can imagine, it fills its content and meaning of the concept of the Fourth Republic, which by nature is completely contrary to the communist creature known as the Third Republic. Quite deliberately, and the reasons I do not write, "post-communist Third Republic", but the communist, because, the ruling oligarchy in Poland is just a communist. Poland is still in the power of communism. Just read "contemporary definition of communism."
second : From now on I will not be distinguished in this text the concept of Polish raison d'etat since its description, but please remember that. This is not the same thing. Polish raison d'etat is one, its description may be more or less accurate, more or less the right to present and therefore can be improved and supplemented, but there is always a question of quality of description, but not to the reason of state, which must constantly examine and identify, because with the development of history and geopolitical changes the Polish strategy should keep pace with these changes.
The time is 23:50. 3 May 2008. At this point, I refer Polish Geopolitical Institute (PGI) , which will deal with the constant analyzing geopolitical issues of Polish interests, and his goal is to continuously improve knowledge of the Polish raison d'etat, and to influence and impact on the Polish intellectual elite, political, public opinion, as well as parliamentarians and government and local authority and the judiciary on the policy of Polish and European and make decisions in accordance with the requirements of the Polish raison d'etat. The Institute will deal with the current policy of certification of compliance and governance requirements of the Polish raison d'etat. The existence of this institute was approved my decision at the time of the above. Other facts of his activities appear later. The history of the institute, however, is already underway.
Third: wording Polish raison d'etat, providing significant consolidation of the Polish right center. This follows from a fundamental correctness. Prawicowość through inter alia held views on freedom, liberty economic and fundamental right of personal property - subordinated to the values \u200b\u200brecognized university. I wrote "m.in" because there is now no need to discuss what is the right course, especially conducting axiological discourse. Prawicowość with the definitions and assumptions are diverse, made up of different concepts of axiological and political, that is her main source of strength. Releases the energy potential difference, allows for solving problems and kofliktów interests, the common criterion of ordering - Polish raison d'etat. Issues of practical action to ordering the test will be discussed separately.
[The criteria and methods useful in this case, I wrote to mention the Doctrine Kornel Morawiecki [3] and the selector and anti bolszewizatorze [4] ]
In Poland, subject to the necessary action is the Polish national interest , Polish raison d'etat materialized in specific economic interests, political, social and cultural Poles, regardless of frontiers, and their place of residence. [5]
Communication of the Polish Institute of Geopolitics No 001/08 .
Instyut was called because of the actual emergence of geopolitical ideas, ideas that form the person making the project of the Institute, in accordance with its purpose, becoming founding members of the PIG inspiring.
first I've included a list of the first founders of ideas, in alphabetical order:
Free Your Mind - the idea of \u200b\u200bidentifying enemies, or enemies of Polish raison d'etat
Mary - an idea inspired by the idea of \u200b\u200bPolish raison d'etat Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - May 3, 2007 , and the idea of \u200b\u200bconsolidation Eastern Energy Policy, jointly with Michael.
Michael - ideas of the methodology and the consolidation of the Polish right PIG project as a source of knowledge about the Polish raison d'etat.
Triarius - the idea of \u200b\u200ba strategic consolidation of the Polish right and the search criteria for its analysis. The draft questionnaire.
second As soon as the number of founding members inspiring Institute attains the number of three persons, the Institute may appoint a Council of the founders of the Institute.
third Polish Institute of Geopolitical invites to participate in its work and to inspire further activities.
Pinxit michael
[ a ] ...
[ 2] Antoni Dudek, "On the" No. 17 (04/30/2006) "Geopolitical Dozen," book review of Peter Eberhardt, "The creators of Polish and geopolitics." Antoni Dudek writes: "In today's Poland, the debate on geopolitical issues in practice does not exist (...) It's hard to not consider it as yet another example of Polish political crisis. Its depth can be seen reading a book of prof. Peter Eberhardt, dedicated to the twelve founders of Polish geopolitics. The very fact of their selection from a much longer number of candidates indicates that in the late nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century, Poland was experiencing a boom geopolitics . The list Eberhardt, there were both well-known politicians, including Roman Dmowski, editors (Julius Mieroszewski) and scientists (Eugeniusz Romer), but the most interesting character sketches of concern have already today almost completely forgotten. The basic dilemma of Polish geopolityków best reflected in the titles of two books:
hearing loud Dmowski, "Germany, Russia and the Polish question", and referring to the work of Adolf Bochenski "Between Russia and Germany." On the question of how the Poles have arranged a relationship with two equally large as expansive neighbors, his book gave very different answers. (...) The biggest insight was Vladimir Bączkowski (...) "
My comment: In the late nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century in Poland was geopolitics, was important public discussion, and so it was a real politician. That is why Poland could make good use of favorable winds of history and win independence. Now we have tethered in Poland elite colonial mentality and a shocking lack of competence and understanding of reality. I suggest you read this text
" colonial mentality of the Polish elite (Eve Thompson) " The examples do not have to go far: Bronislaw Komorowski in The Diet in 2007 in a speech presenting the position of the PO parliamentary caucus said something like: "our goal is as soon as possible burying whole Polish, along with all mohairowymi beretami, the same ears in the European Union, so you'll never be able to dig it. That one vote is enough to completely lose confidence in the Platform Obywatekskiej. This is just a rainbow coalition of populist propaganda. Nothing more.
[ 3] In the text "agendas Confusion" ( 142) I wrote about the "Doctrine of Kornel Morawiecki" No important in the one who hides banners. Importantly, what are the consequences. It's at a glance. I recommend reading the version of the source here
[ 4] The text of "Alien" comment " to Count de Pim Pim "
[ 5 ] Fact one: http://michael .salon24.pl/72663, index.html
Apel - Olympics Knowledge about PRL .
In the year 2008 marks 19 years since the fall of communism in Poland. Recent research shows that awareness of the events of recent Polish history-mainly decreases among the representatives of the youngest generation. Young people do not know the basic facts of these years. In addition, leave the people who witnessed the era, particularly in its early period. The level and structure of education in Poland, do not allow to fully understand the events of years 1944-1952 - 1989 in the school. Meanwhile, the Olympics are held, competitions and tournaments for many historical periods. This leads to perverse when students know the facts of Polish schools of ancient and medieval history, while not knowing the facts about their history homeland. Despite varying degrees of preparation and familiarize yourself with the content of the above. Olympics, the mere fact of participation in the preparations for the next steps will increase the stock of knowledge on the topic. Despite these 19 years, there has been a free Poland, a nationwide post-war years covering the Olympics. Olympics on the history of communist would have an incentive to become familiar with these events. Institution most qualified to host the Olympics is a National Memory Institute. Has appropriate structure, faculty, what all this confidence that was organized by IPN that the Olympics was at an appropriate level. Brief historical conducts contests for school children and junior high schools, but they are smaller initiatives, and a completely different character. We appeal to the IEP, an initiative aiming to carry out cyclic nationwide for the period 1944/52-1989 the Olympics in Poland.
To this end, we propose to send to the headquarters of the Institute of National Remembrance text of this call-to-address (with the theme: Knowledge Competition PRL):
sekretariat.ipn @ ipn.gov.pl
Source: Waits.
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