V enden crafts of Mexico. Sell \u200b\u200boutside the law, but sold most charming and spontaneous than most stores of any legal firm or street mall in Madrid.
him with the short hair and small glasses and rectangular lenses, black pasta graduates. Dress normal. About 30 years. Sereno and without gestures, listen to the man I talk without looking at the clock, focused on the task of paying attention, interested in his words. Uncle bohemian look of interesting, but nostalgic. Nothing in it seems to attract attention.
She, however, does not think so. In addition, given the same attention to South American man talk with them. Smaller, thinner, younger, more appealing, more beautiful and seemingly even sweeter than a bowl of strawberries with cream, sugar milk and a bed (without being cloying). Black hair, bright, supple and smooth moves with the lightness of a hummingbird, her eyes small house a large black iris, larger than the place, and look with a tenderness and depth more characteristic of an insane woman who a wooden figure as she lives. Unlike him, she is a professional unwittingly draw attention.
is your profession, but not his trade.
The man left alone. They chat as if they were two anonymous people who have just met and degas knowing the other's mind. Quiet, infected by the lack of gestures from him. Except one: she rubs loving, and imperceptibly subtle arm with his fingers brushed glass and having a strange extrasensory life. Seem more spiritual together physically. Seem not wanting to appear to worship to levels that no mind has yet dared to build. Seem to be talking to only look askance. Of those people who are Soulmate, which are covered at night with my eyes closed, which is run through their bodies with fingers without touching. Them bristle hairs on the body with the scent of his absence and the desire they cry when they are close. They do not need to cross many words. Are beyond verbal communication.
By far, the blue lights are reflected in glass and windows of the street near the Plaza de Chueca. That gives the alarm. She provided more than him, this time faster, pick the blanket with chocolate handcrafts and the cocktail called Margarita, tequila and enchiladas and runs in the opposite direction of their potential captors. He was always very calm and protective covers his escape and pursue it when you know that this is probably already in a safe, secure as they had planned before I started with that quiet but athletic work they occupy afternoon. In the corner, out of danger, meet again. She just as fragile and hard, he so calm and warm. Nothing seems immutable. Nothing seems able to break the spiritual and invisible, yet palpable, loop. Are linked for life, no matter what happens.
Or so it seems ...