Lately you're sales, blamed her wry and resigned. Had not been kind to him, had not been fair, he had hurt and had behaved like a coward. 's not like you ... Or do you not know? thought and doubt. The last few weeks took refuge in music that had been tattooed on the ear drum to the next two months ... if not more. The placebo had more like that listen: just wanted something that would do him company, something that was really true and sincere. Seemed to have lost the brightness of his eyes, those flashes that issued the eyelids, while still retaining the charming and attractive girls around her say it has (this is something inherent in it.) Why did you do that? Did I only love blanks? , asked that she could not answer. miss alarms blow , whispered wistfully that she could not hear him. He spoke with few people about this, but with these lucky she vented and do not hide anything under the skin sad had recently covered his heart. Yes, I'm shattered , recognized no hint of shame, stripping. I did not know to be otherwise and gave the advice did little. He had another way of being and behaving and it could not be anything that other people might say. However, he liked to talk with them, brought him back from the smallest of the moons of Jupiter gave a different perspective and helped to dilute the pain between the words and the time spent on this task ... I needed to hit rock bottom or a push in another direction.
So this is you ... Another little game . Back home, 19 January, felt encounter a giant puzzle before him, but given all the pieces back. How can I finish? How do you know the drawing below? How to build such pieces? , shouted exhausted.
had hung the moon in the sky all day, skipping the rotation schedule around the Earth, to do around your consciousness, waiting to look up to exchange a quick look and convey a crumb of influence. When he did he felt, overwhelmingly beat, secure and calm. Something seemed to disappear inside: the agony and bewilderment that so much pressure exerted on your ability to think. Now, he felt he could think clearly. Oh! Thanks for always being there ...
decided not to take any transport to go home, wanted to enjoy the cool atmosphere that already imposed that dark January afternoon. He needed time and pause to go back to giving each of the pieces. Or at least, to learn the contours and guess what each one could hide.