Friday, May 20, 2011

Modern Budget Couch Blog

this A curious phenomenon of the "English Revolution" without a clear origin, no certain future, and a confused mind.

is not clear what if requested, or if you ask for something, do not even know if there are hidden interests behind the dark origin of the case, much less one sees that this will lead to something concrete, even if I think I will change something ... and, at least, has already served a purpose.

Entertain see how lost are the political parties, uncomfortable, and make calculations as to what to do or not on Sunday does not cost them a displeasure. And the answer they are giving them perfectly redefined.

The PSOE began dissolving the first night of camping at 5 am, hoping that no one, press and tourists, watched as the police pounded like the good times to brash young who dared protest. Then, seeing that they came up against, and the "calcuvoto" on, retreated and started to send messages of understanding and sympathy towards concentrated, subtly asking for your vote.

The derechona has shown all the hair on the meadow, and groups of youths shouting "freedom" "democracy", etc etc all allergies have triggered latent and have accused them of being manipulated by the PSOE , if be acrobats, Appreciation, anarkos, anti mixture of monk and ETA that said Federico Jimenez Losantos, and contacts with ETA and street violence that César Vidal said one of its most hilarious monologues.

And who are they? For those who put everything in place or idea, but those who now occupy the Puerta del Sol, and many places throughout the length and breadth of Spain, and the sidewalk next to Spain several embassies abroad are people who are up to the eggs .

to the eggs of the PSOE, lies, manipulation, incompetence and greed of power, and a PP also a liar and manipulator, to which the people do not care, unless their vote at election time.

Young without a certain future, the more disadvantaged, unemployed, without hope, poverty wages workers trapped by mortgages and taxes, people tired of never solve anything, and appearing on their street campaign for seats smiling and calling the vote and said " the street is mine, and take it to say what I want and I do not want "

I like to see in the square, I like to see policy debate right there at street level of you to you, I love to see them shouting their slogans, waving their banners and a sword ...

democracy is alive, moving, people talking to each other of the "public" ...

will not know where all this, and I'm not optimistic, but now the street is ours and this is the power of all DEMOCRACY AND


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