First date of publication in the S24:
SATURDAY, May 5, 2007
Motto: There was a time when people with humility, looking at the work of God
Every where observant person can easily see that the world is changing very quickly. Speed \u200b\u200bof change is constantly growing. Understanding the world is becoming increasingly difficult, it is important to extend the language. Not about the English language.
It's about language concepts accurately describe new phenomena. And our focus is more complicated civilization. Clearly, the old systems fail, and people cling to old solutions, but unfortunately the lack of a better. I really need a new language concepts needed to understand new developments!
I will give an important example: The concept of
sum game zero and zero sum game.
capitalism of the nineteenth century can be interpreted as a phenomenon similar to a zero-sum game. That is, to have something that you need someone to take something. Because the distribution of goods do not arrive. That is why all the attention of the Bolshevik Revolution, communism and all socjalizmów later, focused on issues of division and having to take classes. And keep it with you when you accidentally become liberators holders.
This is the philosophy of zero-sum game.
All power in the hands of those who share limited resources. Please note for a hundred years ideologies leftists are built on the philosophy of zero-sum game. To protect the poor and disadvantaged must necessarily take away something to someone. A most deplorable effect, hurting most those poor people who become the first victims of this aid. Usually this is a disservice, caused by excessive attachment to the Pareto optimum. Capitalism
the century can be interpreted as a phenomenon similar to the zero sum game. This began with the revolution of Remington and Ford. Car appeared on the market so much that picking has lost meaning. To have something, it was enough to jump into the shop. This is a change utmost importance, quite fundamental. A complete change in the philosophy of thinking and solving problems. If you need to appear again, there were questions about the possibility of its fulfillment.
difference is great until it catastrophically. The free market has become a space to seek opportunities for resource additions. Ordinary market response is positive. The free market is a special device designed for human civilization replenishment. Trouble is when someone starts to spoil the device.
This example is cruel simplification, there is only one word from a dictionary of concepts needed to understand modern civilization. That one word is not enough, even worse can lead to a robust disaster. Because zero-sum game, or a non-zero is just similar to that reality, the abuse of this similarity very quickly lead astray. In this sense, the concept of the game is only a metaphor, a metaphor can not be regarded as a model faithfully copying the real world. Models also have their limitations, you need to know and understand.
strength of this example is to show that even just a concept, a well-used, helps in understanding what is happening in reality, causes curiosity, inspires. As soon as the nose suggests a new concept.
Take a magnifying glass would give rise to the term "model".
surprising feature of science and ideology of the past two years is a stupid habit to abuse of models. One of the other scientist invents a theory that explains and clarifies something. I learned so squeals with joy, is spreading all that was brilliant recipe for everything and begin to use this model, at random. And what a nice name, people believe him. And it gets pseudoscience pseudouczeni in it until the swell of pride and arrogance. A typical "Florentine disease" since 1183 years. Pride Medici.
I give an example of Florentine disease, the use of the model:
Marx was once a theory explaining the phenomenon of capitalism in the English bławatnym industry, which produced for British hrabianek dresses. Then, this theory can and has been a good model of capitalism in the nineteenth century, but that capitalism only described similar to the zero-sum game. Then the industry "could not" do more of these dresses. Enough only for hrabianek. In those days, industry products were destined only for the aristocracy, or upper classes. A hundred years is not so.
Now this model is just a silly yardstick to the wise thing. A subsequent history shows that capitalism has changed dramatically, in many important transformations. They have long ago ceased to be a change of capitalism, they are now intriguing transformations of the human civilization.
I'll show you some of them:
1) Transformation of the dispersion of demand - before it satisfy industry demand for the privileged classes. Then Marx's sociological analysis, produced a report from a trip to England to date. The transformation began with the start of mass production at the Remington and Ford and possible dispersal of demand from the privileged class at all. Classes having lost their first advantage the monopoly right to buy in the shops. Interesting observation Historical Transformation of the dispersion of demand appeared in the world market before the outbreak of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. Two different ways to solve the same problem. At the same time!
2) Transformation of the dispersion of ownership - before the revolution, the owners of "capital goods" were "propertied classes" - Transformation consisted of the emergence of corporate capital and ownership "of the means of production" could become all the shareholders, that is, all the residents in the area. After this transformation the Marxian analysis has already brought down to the end. Classes have lost their second privilege of monopoly ownership. The sacred right of property has become a good widely available, the guarantor of human rights and freedoms. Since that time, receiving "possessing classes" of their property had to rely on receiving all of everything.
I'll say this, since all left-wing concepts nadgryzania sacred right of property, attempts to socialize, limiting property rights in the name of public interest, public or something else ceased to be a sign of progress, became a myth and backwardness. Began to be aggression against universal human rights.
Since then, sensitive heart, the left began to beat absurdly - a rate of a logical contradiction. An example of this contradiction was the murder of starvation of Ukrainians by the Bolsheviks:łód_na_Ukrainie - it was obvious leftist act of mercy, it was after all a fair distribution of grain. Contemporary consequences
caring heart sensitivity on the left are generally less drastic.
caring heart sensitivity on the left are generally less drastic.
Though if they consider the European CAP?łata_bezpośrednia . I wonder how many people in hot countries die of starvation, that the European farmer could be bull in the empty box?
capital is not a bloodthirsty killing starving children in warm countries, as they write in newspapers. Then again, concern for equitable distribution. Care, which was full of in the eyes of a Daniel Cohn-Bandit and his friends.
(*) Just think .....
7) transformation involving the separation of management from ownership - after this transformation of business executives standing in the same way as other workers pracobiorcami. Their preference was to have a completely different phenomenon than the former privileged classes. ...
9) Transformation of the dispersion and distribution monopoly qualifications - qualifications were previously the monopoly of the board - after this transformation are complicated phenomena business has led to real divergence "in demand for highly qualified" in all workplaces.
See: - Knowledge-based economy.
Example: Position: Director - Education: Economist,
Position: Serial employee - education: IT.
Which one is better qualified?
Despite appearances, this example is chosen not biased! The modern plumber also has to have very high qualifications. The degree of saturation of technology, automation, and technology in this profession also places very high demands. Surprisingly high. Avatar on Friday for the open door substation in the old building. Plumber came to control a supply of heat. "
What does it do? Tests automatics, governed by something, check fiber connections to the Internet and control system throughout the district heating network. It turns out that the fiber is delivered to the house also and the internet. The gentleman in the thermal node is a plumber by profession, employed as a conservator. The elites have lost yet another privilege. Monopoly of education ....
15) transformation involving the dispersion of the monopoly of access to information. Historically, access information has been monopolized intellectual and political elites. Now everyone can know as much as before he could know only Geremek, just click.
17) Transformation of the dispersion of economic functions. It is extremely rich in transformation mechanisms, the new phenomenon of civilization. I'll show it its fine example that just what it suggests:
Outsourcing firm in Chicago, employs accountants, accounting in India, the production of components in China, the whole assembly in Korea, to order the Philips from the Netherlands. Question: - Does TV Philips is made in Holland?
(***) ...
23) Transformation of globalization, which is happening everywhere. It is mandatory homework for every civilized man. Civilization has long since become a global phenomenon and applies to all possible situations in which a man may come into contact every day. Yes it is. The concepts of "globalization," like "environment," corporate capital "and the like, are too often used to mydlenia people eyes ...
Why is this so?
given above classification is not strictly scientific study. There is only an example of a cursory historical review of the selected classification criterion. I wanted to show the economic relevance of historical analysis to understand what is happening.
- What is happening to the Polish?
Economic History of the Third Republic should answer this question.
Then we'll know what to do with this conundrum further.
first will use the comments box place where the footnotes.
(*) I did instantly rank the quality of political parties in the world:
firstżców best political program of the world. Know exactly what's going on. Thank you for the link Janek.
second Najabsurdalniejszy political program of the world. (Ségolène Royal, Paris, 20 04 07)
third The best normal political deception:
second Najabsurdalniejszy political program of the world. (Ségolène Royal, Paris, 20 04 07)
third The best normal political deception:
description of this strange deception found in the scrap, "read it!" Piotra9 to Maryla:
Thanks Peter: # comment_211662 WAS there reference to
Piotr9. I join in thanking Piotrze.Po reading, spelling abide by defining a person: Daniel Cohn-Bandit, and I think that it is faultless. Michael
Free Europe? 05.05.2007 - 21:23
15) transformation involving the dispersion of the monopoly of access to information. Historically, access to information was a monopoly of intellectual and political elites. Now everyone can know as much as before he could know only Geremek, just click. (**)
Here's a comment on this point: I know
armored wheeled Transporter "Wolverine," a little bit. Former Minister Bronislaw Komorowski war is ridiculous in my eyes, when stupidity tells reporters. He says the error current minister, who plans to "dopancerzenie" this transporter already in place in Afghanistan. Why are you guys? Because I know that this is no problem. Armour is an active class, meets appropriate standards, and very avant-garde, and hung them on the conveyor, such as a ladder to the barn. I know because I saw how it looks. I know because I clicked.
This intellectual and political elites lose their monopoly. They are having a modern class, which is losing ground under his feet. Anachronism of the old ideology is seen as a frying pan.
Leftist elites do not understand that this issue need not and should not even be solved in the field of class struggle. On any battlefield. It is this apparent conflict of ironic absurdity.
Because when they are liberated, during the Bolshevik Revolution, it took, confiscated, and appropriation of centralizing power, and monopolizing the censored information. Bolsheviks it seemed that they must take, because the resources at hand that pulled out were limited. Have become accustomed to and do it today. Despite the fact that a hundred years civilization is no longer a zero-sum game. That was in the nineteenth century. Since that time, already over 100 years the changes consist in the fact that "the product comes into the market. Now it's a zero sum game. This is a really important distinction. There is what to argue. Nobody takes them nothing, not even such an intent. Now the function completely different mechanisms, which operate quite differently. But their armored heads resistant to reality, they do not understand as stupid zupełnie.I attach to the already very clever actually. They're trying to do as much as a hundred years ago.
Another moment and bring "the Central Board of Internet Resources."
Is it stupidity, ignorance, or aware of a crime?
Is it stupidity, ignorance, or aware of a crime?
Or is this just arrogance and pride? Michael
comment to paragraph 17)
Outsourcing firm in Chicago, employs accountants, accounts in India, production of components in China, the whole assembly in Korea, to order the Philips from the Netherlands.
- Is the TV from Philips is made in Holland?
Who is and where it is a manufacturer of televisions from Philips?
Are these TVs are made in Holland?
Why would anyone pay any taxes resulting from the manufacture in China?
If these taxes are paid in China, why is calculated in India?
Why and how is it possible, after all, in India There is no company that employs these Indians, because they are employed in Chicago, work in their Indian homes, and wages take electronic transfers on-line with the HSBC Bank in London?
Why U.S. unions are protesting against working conditions of the Indians, since they do not live in the United States, nor do they work?
Can apply their American or Indian labor laws, since they work in India, even though they are employed in the U.S.?
How to be enforced labor laws in India, since there the workplace does not exist. Computers that are working, their property, as well as cottages in which they live, and are connected to the Internet satellite link, so do not even use the Indian technical infrastructure?
what right do they work in the U.S., since there are not, do not have U.S. visas or residence or work permits in the U.S.? Who here is privileged and who is exploited and who is the exploiter?
Why, finally, all those Indians would personally slit the throat of all socialist bubkom if these bubki, with sensitive hearts on the left side, issued a ban on exploitation of Indians who earn less than twice the U.S. accountants?
Why, finally, all those Indians would personally slit the throat of all socialist bubkom if these bubki, with sensitive hearts on the left side, issued a ban on exploitation of Indians who earn less than twice the U.S. accountants?
that these throat slit, because the would lose their jobs, which earn two times more than other accountants in India. Would feel hurt, and therefore it would have done.
A company in Chicago, it is no great American corporation. It is a small outsourcing company, founded in Chicago by four students from the Antilles, who caught a contract of life for Philips. And these students were also to lose their jobs. That's how it works now.
Defense citizens harmed the third world, the UN bubkowie only hurt the citizens of poor countries.
Stupid scoop?
anachronistic ideology mixing with the real world - it is just like the combination of students of French at the Sorbonne Soviet mailbox cognac ARARAT - the only effect can be stunning.
Another variant of the fairy tale about student wizard. Michael
anachronistic ideology mixing with the real world - it is just like the combination of students of French at the Sorbonne Soviet mailbox cognac ARARAT - the only effect can be stunning.
Another variant of the fairy tale about student wizard. Michael
Free Europe? 05.05.2007 - 21:43
Last comment author
used the above criterion for the classification of changes in the economic history reveals a fundamental difference in approach between a left-wing free-market approach to solving problems , in the same situation:
Last comment author
used the above criterion for the classification of changes in the economic history reveals a fundamental difference in approach between a left-wing free-market approach to solving problems , in the same situation:
free-market approach is this:
- When you have a problem, we take immediately to his resolve, we are looking for you POSSIBILITY meet emerging needs.
free market is the suitable environment of civilization to such action.
leftist approach is the opposite:
- When a problem occurs, immediately proceed to organize a fair distribution of what it is. Organization of this task is entrusted to the state. And we're going to byczyć on the lawn.
Maybe that's why the most serious state equitably divide the EU project, what was taken from another is called in Polish CAP! Michael
Free Europe? 05.05.2007 - 22:31
Maybe that's why the most serious state equitably divide the EU project, what was taken from another is called in Polish CAP! Michael
Free Europe? 05.05.2007 - 22:31
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