Friday, January 16, 2009

Whit Cream Before Menstruation

007 Bolshevik lie - where he applied a chisel?

First date of publication in the S24:
FRIDAY, May 11, 2007

strongly urge you to watch a movie in which "Yuri Bezmenov" is about the ordinary activities of the KGB. Words "Normal operations" fill us with horror.
Here's a link to these films, I got it from "szczelo. Thank you. , this link no longer works, but this, like this: = Yuri Bezmenov Explains.

film looks quite old. The name "Bezmenow" says nothing. Russian is the same as "no name". That happens when the former KGB agent says. It would be good if someone copied this video, voice and planted Polish puszał it in some television three times a day. As "a sensational interview with former KGB agent,"

Bezmenov Yuri talked about operations aimed at the destruction of entire countries, even as the U.S.. Such operations are under way for decades, "Yuri" talked about the "twenty years + a few years + a few weeks to collect the cream"
most important goal is the universities and the power elite, it's about the destruction of the elite, poisoning their false ideals, the confusion of orders, destruction of systems state suppression of self-preservation nations. Elites attacked a country becomes a collective agent of a foreign power, conveys the destruction to the end.
idea is not new:
useful idiots.
Trojan Horse.

is the Bolshevik project of my code-named Tower of Babel, which is to poplątaniu fundamental concepts of language, philosophical confusion of orders, wplątaniu people in the project impossible to achieve, leading only to confusion and destruction of an entire civilization. Tower of Babel is also a symbol of pride, conceit and a legion of useful idiots, dispassionately used to implement this operation.

Is it conspiratorial view of history?
suggest to look for the "Rzeczpospolita":

My present historical knowledge tells me specifically, such operations are FACT. Let others speak. I looked a little on the Internet, I propose to read this article: lecture is part of a specialist, for specialists, I shall quote only one point fifth with eight points this is such a paragraph contained in this manual:
"information in the fight against all organized structures, especially against countries that use the following methods:
5) Unfolding the enemy - and especially in its central decision-making center - self-steering mechanisms. Comes into play demoralisation, misinformation, spreading indifference under the guise of ideological-political, spreading a sense of law. These methods are widely applied to the Tsar's police elite opposition in Russia, and when in 1917, this opposition came to power, it was revealed the extent to which it is demoralized. (...) " Add
Well, well recognized.
By the way, some by accident, appears long tradition of civilization in that area, it shows their actual experience in using such methods. It is worth noting that the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth lost its independence in 1772 not because of Polish bezhołowia, but result in a very similar operation, planned by the "service" of Catherine II. To complete this operation personally hired Catherine corrupt confederation "useful idiots" who were called then Targowicą. These are indeed their "normal activities".
are questions? It
please ask them!

completing documentation for the "Economic History of the Third Republic", for me, I accepted the obvious assumption that this type of surgery, perhaps not even one, is implemented in the Polish political and economic space. " Analyzing the phenomenon and the information coming from the public domain, I was able to relatively quickly identify at least some of these projects, initiated by "local" - against a particular, very important interests of the Polish raison d' state. Just remember the history of Polish to join NATO.

was looking for something more serious ...
Pretty soon I found a trace of a stream of events, confirming the hypothesis of the existence of such an operation, whose implementation began around 1994. It is a consistent game, arranged in a logical pattern. Two variants are played: "come to terms with the Polish and the opposite option. What is important is that the implementation of this operation is also the brutal economic sabotage and also seek contact with reliable centers, consolidating a stable image Polish raison d'etat.

Due to the economic nature of these activities, my eyes see it all too accurately, to the pain. Hence the need for economic history. This hypothesis needs a serious review, which may be made of social effort, the force of initiatives such as Wikipedia. This action is in defense of the Republic, the verification of this hypothesis could give three results:
1) either hypothesis proves to be false, then breathed a sigh of relief,
2) hypothesis proves to be true, then I'll know what to do with it ,
3) Or it turns out that in reality there is something else and then also we'll know what to do with it.
we need to know what's going to understand what is happening and to take concrete steps. Social effort is needed because any formal, official and political factors have a nose for the past 15 years, and how to deal with issues much like to respond to a proposal for one-mandate constituencies. It is a cry in the wilderness!
Please refer to your blog: Unfortunately, I found the information very explicit, showing that such an operation, about which he told Yurij B. actually be implemented "as toczno" as in this story. It lasts longer than a minimum of twenty years and is not directed directly against Poland. We get a bone, kind of occasion.
Its source is outside of Russia, which badly blurs the events. Fatally contributed to this fundamentally false diagnosis of Francis Fukuyama on the collapse of the Soviet Union. This diagnosis, unfortunately mastered the entire world.

Here I refer to Wikipedia: "Fukuyama argues that the story in a sense ended with the fall of communism (ie the so-called countries. Real socialism) and the adoption by most countries of the ideal - of liberal democracy."
And this is simply not true. In both parts of this diagnosis. Especially the lime ideal system.

clearest "philosophical" diagnosis found in the work of Agnieszka Kolakowski:
overthrow Communism turned out to be for intellectual liberation. Many of them quickly forgotten, that in general there was something like communism, with relief, removed him from raising and joyfully returned to their Marxist beliefs and enjoy again a nice sense of moral superiority. Soviet empire collapsed, communism collapsed, the Communist ideology is discredited - yet at every turn we encounter an apology of communism and the sermon on the evils posed by capitalism and the "wild", "binge" economic liberalism. What's more, in every sphere of life and at every level - not only in attitudes but also dominant, an ever more striking, in government policies of European countries, particularly the European Union - see the triumph of the spirit antyliberalnego depth, which defines as a liberal. "
We recommend that you read this article in its entirety. To put it succinctly
, Bolsheviks even before the fall of the Soviet Union, and Russia was up, leaving her alone with her imperial dreams. We are now dealing with two different opponents, resulting in two different games.
This hypothesis is equally important, even more important even than the previous and equally strongly the urgent calls for a review. Fortunately, I can see that in Poland, and not only aware of the situation is at once better every time people see more clearly what is happening, but the puzzle does not want to fall into place, because the model is a false picture of the whole.

The key issue is to note that on our territory crowd of at least two different players, both steeped in the Bolshevik lie. The purpose of these players is very different from the Polish and European interest, I suspect, and Russia is derived astray false choices.
little bit concerned about me, only one information heard from Yurij Without Names. Well, the latest variant of the former KGB plan envisages that guys like us, who are beginning to understand what is happening, you will just kill you. So simply, to kill.
But to break this game, you have to think about where dłuto.Tym applied together, we can not go wrong.

And as for the European financiers, ... (*)
As for the financiers, unfortunately, they themselves in the foot shoot, 100% silly to assess the situation. Podałaś good idea to me, just look in the net specific information. I looked at Russia, came to me amazing things. Just look, I'll give links at the end of his new artykułu.Zapewniam, you'll be amazed.
hungry Russian bear comes and somethig nasty lie to the European financiers. And they can be gaining. And Putin is going hungry, so such an expert jest.Poszukam nervous, because nobody would believe me and people in the world know, everywhere except in Europe.
Europe is doing stupid economic moves, because, unfortunately, the bar can be prowadzić.To is such that the financiers napuszcza Geremek. Oh no! It is not so! He pulls them in raspberry, but the leash he rubs something. That bastard feel.
You see, "financiers" are very real people, they can count, verify, look it up in the sack, punch dokumentacji.I wychodzi.Długo false ideology lather sight they do not da.Dlatego I wrote recently about the ideological falsehood. "Foolish to the wise ruler things "
weakness Polish talks on related topics throughout the public domain is a complete absence of the aspect of affairs ekonomicznego.Wiele then look at the irrational.
Gad is a political aspects, electorates, gastric probes and demoskopach, lengthy analysis of the political science that analyzes call bullshit politicians duck chodu.Tymochowicz weaves that suits with horizontal stripes not putting the camera patrzyli.Pogardy teaches them to "electorate."
And what, I have every mamy.Bo serious people talking about pieniądzach.Uczciwych money, and not a lot of dumb money przekrętach.Od zależy.I why in the world urge to look at economic issues.
assure you facing a major blow in 1990 against Poland was a blow to economic development, we took half of the value of assets economy.
goal was to paralyze and Polish.
paralyzed the Polish economy, paralyze its economic development. Yes
also interpret Rospuda affair.
Anywhere, anything in Poland is beginning to happen well, there are boys from Aurora, niuchają, searching, until they hook.
recommend the following address: (SEMPER FI)
Who knows about this?
Who knows that the "New Economy Initiative" that is NOT the biggest in Poland, a public agency, the white interview, involving hundreds and even thousands of naive readers, invited by the editorial staff to collect materials about everything that stinks in Poland.
A list of readers to the editors write, and he takes the mailman list. Thousands of letters. What do you think, how many scandals?
This is a political objective. Objective Eurocommunism!
Polish bastards are afraid, is a large, rebellious and somehow hard to strangle her.
It's the bloody tradition of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, so you'll need to destroy it, break everything in a pile of Poland holds.
But this interest is the opposite of European financiers. Already playing on two fronts.
Look at the total value of foreign investments in Poland in 2006. More than $ 11 billion. Had never been in the past 15 years. Financiers such as longer trust politicians, they just draw to the wind.
Holocaust more politicians in the card and sees:
- Not with me these numbers Bruner!
- your cards are marked!
- Get out, man. And the end.
This is a real pain to Mr Daniel Cohn-Bandit, mad Moscovici, along with the sheet drawn-joszerem, which the wind beautifully staged Schroeder and his gas company with Putin. As they drove the pipe.

Wait, wait, look for links to something about the gas. Literally, they exhibited to the wind! The write-Rote Armee von joszer. Yet I did it, did the evaluation of their Ruthenian oil and gas infrastructure, perfunctory, as much as from the net could gather, the forecast are uninteresting, they may run out of gas to the pipe, howling Transneft to rebuild dilapidated network. They have up to four years are embracing, and gas is a hundred times worse than the oil!
Just wait longer throw links:, russia, hides, the deficit, gas, 162,0,240290. html
paste a piece of the presentation: "
expert Mikhail Gonchar ... Center for Research Promotion of Geopolitical Problems, and Euro-Atlantic Cooperation Black Sea Region "NOMOS". "
I link to discuss that report:
Who here talks nonsense?
It turns out that analizatorzy duck walk, people from the village, near Monterey.
It Kaczynski is pushing the right keys. It was Kaczynski better feel, where is the Polish raison d'etat.
how they feel, so take care of her.
make mistakes, because the puzzle does not close properly.
Think it over. And in Poland
prevails a collective agent of foreign power, paralyzing every Polish step, every move in the consolidation of Polish raison d'etat. Total diversion. And it is necessary to snap the head, this collective agent naturally. The current battle is
bojem to save the head, who really wants to remain in its entirety, because then you can TAM anyone can afford, and Poland, he is in the old pants.
"Poles are not adults to democracy." (Opus cit, cit)
But it is still necessary to prove the crime draniowi homepage.
And it is economical.
And then the financiers is on our side.
And for that matter.
When you do not know what's going on, we know then that it comes to money.
night, it is after midnight, I go back to your website.
more done for you, than at home.
Yes it is, with friendly hospitality.
Sometimes abused.
Yes, unfortunately.
(*) It was suggested by Maryla comment, so it is addressed.
Michael Free Europe?


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