When Bismarck
Kulturkampf between concentric attack on language, culture and religion to destroy the Polish basic elements of being a nation, has encountered resistance to all classes of solidarity of the Polish nation. The situation which is created, allowed to triumph in all its fullness to the direction of community work. He initiated it even in the forties Karol Marcinkowski creating Bazaar Society and Scientific Assistance . Every year more and more dense network was created of various societies. Operate industrial and craft companies, created by banks, developing cooperatives. Over the spread of education worked Popular Education Association, the Society later Reading People, art and theater circles promoted the singing, physical culture since 1884 Gymnastic Society "Falcon" . There were women's associations, youth and religious newspapers grew luxuriantly. The whole network of various societies was so thick and resilient that alarmed conqueror. Local authorities at the end of the century Prussian konstatowały that this constant and the mass of organic work further consequences for the country is becoming much more dangerous Prussian than occasional outbursts of insurgent.
Marcinkowski, Libelt , Cegielski organicists and later pulled out of the country with economic backwardness, social and cultural life and created a modern-minded economic categories, while the national society, aware of the danger from the German side.
In those years, when organic work undoubted triumphs celebrated, while in Europe views of the revolution and the struggle for national liberation has decreased, the thought of a new struggle for the freedom to go have in the background.
turn of two centuries, the nineteenth and twentieth, brought significant changes in Poznan. The conflict of nationalities, which has been referred to the nobility, the clergy and the intelligentsia began to expand on the masses of the petty bourgeoisie, peasantry and the proletariat. Exponent of German reluctance to the Polish nation was to be the Association of the Eastern Borderlands (Ostmarkenverein), commonly known as Hakata . Although this relationship was not very strong, it had considerable influence in government circles. His task was to strive for absolute zgermanizowania Polish lands and the expropriation Polish population.
With each year, as the measures are heightened repression, the activity of the Polish society took on ever greater proportions. The thought of insurgent youth confessed in secret, at least part of it. Communications on this subject are few, while not always reliable. They speak about the existence, or even activity among secondary school pupils and students about the importance of secret rings samokształceniowym, modeled on filomatach Vilnius. Stuck to them, unless the conventional name of the companies Tomasz Zan (tetezety). The campaign was' self, earning a also a sense of national, has also working youth population. At the unprecedented scale of activity has developed a national women formerly confined generally to the charities. A sense of Polish identity grew rapidly and covered the peasants, which came from the ranks of Michael Drzymala, winning thanks to his perseverance worldwide fame. Revolt against oppression and rugowaniu Polish language schools, even school children exhibited. In 1901, the resistance against the teaching of religion in the German language defaulting Wrzesnia elementary school students.
In comparison with previous years so marked in the first decade of the twentieth century, a noticeable increase in national consciousness and political activity of all social classes and generations. Resentment and hostility of the Poles, yet directed primarily against the government, and less współmieszkańcom against the Germans, now also turned against them. Strengthen the independence to increasingly think.
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