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Defense Rakoniewice

January 4, 1919 r, hr. 11:00 (12:00)

At 11:00 (another source gives the chair. 12:00) stations listed on the highway at the exit of the city toward Wolsztyn zameldowały appearance of the enemy. The forest on the way Rakoniewice - Rostarzewo the corner of the forest and began to emerge in the strength of the Germans tyraliery; a company Heimatschutz'u and companies armed with Rostarzewa and the surrounding area and a company of 10 Lancers from Celichowy (Sulechów). These forces are being poorly obstrzeliwane, fast and jumps away from the city. Meanwhile

Wielichowo sound of gunfire heard. The commandant immediately ordered Bobkiewicz collection teams and teams with wagons alarm. Then called by telephone to help the wolves Polish insurgents, who immediately went in the strength of some 30 men under the command of Louis Nawrocki administrator of the local assets.

During the preparations for the march came on a bike Leśniczak Roman asking for help for Rakoniewice. At the news Sergeant Ignatius Gore shouted: "So faith forward, it is at least well uzbroimy." With Wielichowo column went to Rakoniewice 130 insurgents.

on January 4, 1919, at. after 11:00 (12:00)

Fighting flared up in earnest. Stanislaw Siuda year against a strong German tyraliery from the north, part odwodu from the farm (called kleingut) shifted to the center line. Branch set to the west of the hill began to retreat to the first software houses, giving room for obstrzału karabinowi hefty machinery stock, you have set on the farm. At the same time the enemy attacked the railway station, and a little later and on the farm. Attack of the Germans supported the six heavy and four light machine guns. Unluckily, the heavy machine gun positioned on the farm is jammed What used Germany. Under the fire of his machine gun to the storm passed. They managed to break into the first houses, forcing the defenders to the next. Meanwhile, the

Wielichowo nadciągały insurgent reinforcements. After reaching the Rakoniewice commanding a team of wielichowską Bobkiewicz received from Corporal Bzyla information about the alleged seizure by the Prussian forces train, farm and mill.

Defense Rakoniewice reinforced board with Wielichowo moved to counterattacks. Germany is not expecting such a violent attack by the Poles had to retreat.

In the meantime, the Prussian forces reached from the north line of assault. Semicircle in the fields of snow were visible black spots, their main attack on the station went from two sides, under the protection of embankments and scrub. Division under the command of the seaman and the insurgent Apolinarka Janus (both from Grodzisk), and the platoon and squad led by Sergeant wielichowskiej demanded occupied positions between the cars at the train station and peppered the Germans so powerful gun fire and hand grenades that the panic began to recede.
particular glory in the expulsion of Germans from the station has covered the platoon Anthony Janus. Once the car came up with Heimatschutz'u (about 10 men armed with kulomioty) Janus also seized two revolvers in both hands, gave to each of the nine shots on changes to them after being wounded one of the Germans. Germany turned their horses in a panic, shouting "wieder eine neues Maschinengewehrz." He then calmly put away the biggest guns and still grasping the gun shot cleared of the enemy escaping by putting one of them dead.

German attack was repulsed on the whole line. Retreating enemy raced through the forest branches insurgents, to the western edge of the woods, where they received fire from buildings to the east of cegielnianych Rostarzewa.

Enthusiasm defenders of our city was enormous. Every Pole seized their weapons, which in the absence of any other thought it most appropriate to defend the city no longer breathing under the wings of a white eagle against a new subjugation of the Prussians. Was already performing the function of the first Polish mayor Stefan Jasinski pharmacist gave the following passage, which demonstrates how the enthusiasm and warm feelings Polishness przepełniały hearts of Poles who want to see homeland free, liberated. Entering the office of the magistrate found there only one insurgent Wujec late Stephen and his wanting to stay as a guard and armed guard magistrackich act, he replied, "You will not stop me here, where shooting is my place."

on January 4, 1919, at. 16:30

Fighting ceased in the chair. 16:30. German losses are 4 dead and 15 injured, as well as a machine gun and 40 rifles lightweight (another source gives the number of six-guns) and 2000 rounds. Losses among the defenders Rakoniewice were two slightly injured. Fear of

Rakoniewicami excellent spirit lifted. Everywhere new parties began to arrive including insurgents stęszewska company under the command of lieutenant Szyfter, wielkołęcka-Kamieniecka under the command of Second Lieutenant and Lieutenant Nieborak Eckert and Krzywińska company, which he ran Stelmachowski methods, as well as a branch of the so-called Kościan. "Kościańska Scout Reserve" under the command of Joseph Kaminski. Branch consisting of scouts, whose job after arriving in Rakoniewice was disarming of German colonists in the surrounding villages.

On the same day was created in Rakoniewice efforts of women of Red Cross and Rakoniewice Wielichowo exemplary military hospital with Dr. Rost and 7 young women with a certain Wanda Wabińską at the helm. This unit is accommodated in the hotel Becker. It should be emphasized that the conditions of the facility were very unfortunate. The hotel owner in Germany has not provided even boiled water from the washing of wounds. Hospital in the next days of January he was transferred to the court Czarneckich.

very actively and generously cooperated with the insurgents and the troops of the Red Cross aptekarzostwo Jasińscy of Rakoniewice. Their home was a night and a day open for any assistance. Besides family Leśniczaka, Świetlewskiego Buda and generously assisted in feeding and accommodation of the insurgents.

Sick and wounded cared for by Dr. Rost and Dr. Stęszewski of Wielichowo, Dr. Oat and Dr. Michael Kaminski of Rakopniewic. As medics Red excelled zeal in his work: Mary Siudzińska, Stanislaw Rogozińska, Sophie Krajewska, Maria Seweryn Kalinowska and Ziętkówna. At first the most essential features of the Red Cross gave its members free of charge from Marcel drogeryjnego Wielichowo Sławski of about 140 bandages, 80 packs of cotton wool, iodine, karbol, acetate-clay and hydrogen peroxide. In addition, provide medication free of charge Stefan Jasinski pharmacist with Rakoniewice.

as military chaplains have come forward immediately with the parish priest Graszyński Gościeszyna, priest Siuda (brother of Lieutenant. Siudy Stanislaus) from Dust, Rozycki the priest and the priest vicar Gnina Forecki the wolves Polish.

January 4, 1919, the team commander

wielichowskiej Bobkiewicz, after consultation with the Lieutenant Stanislaw Siuda, sent in the direction of two exploratory Rostarzewa. - One along the railroad track, and the second along the road through the forest. Their task was to determine how far the enemy has withdrawn, and whether or what forces occupied Rostarzewo.

on January 4, 1919, at. 19:30

Zviad first under the command of Corporal Mariana Cachy in the squad, which went further: and Anthony Kmiecik Wladyslaw Stanislaw Matyaszczyk, Wladyslaw Kazimierz Bzyl Talarczyk and was asked to move along a railway track. When he got to the buildings near the forest from the host Pole learned that the Germans in the strength of some 60 soldiers, three light and one heavy machine gun retreated from the battle and were Rakoniewicami Rostarzewo. Therefore, the insurgents were pushed further toward the brickyard. At the height of the lodge and the village Józefin received fire from light machine guns from the first brick. Without going into battle, commander of the patrol withdrew to the place of starting and by Lieutenant Siudzie report. It was about 19:30.

January 4, 1919, the second Scout

led by Sergeant Gorecki composed Kaletka Joseph, Edmund Napieralski, neuter, Jan Humerczyk, Stanislaw Ginder, Stanislaw Kominowski, Felix Mania, Vincent Brzozowski, Leon Casimir Grześ Tata and transit along the ditch Rakoniewice-Rostarzewo highway. When the patrol arrived at the cemetery before Rostarzewem, Kominowski - which served as a guide - noted in a ditch next to the cemetery a German outpost. Rather than wait for the other members of the scout decided to take matters into their own hands. He did not foresee that, apart from post, German insurers inlet Rostarzewa strong base with a machine gun. Before he knew was already surrounded by the enemy and taken prisoner. Other members of the patrol because of the overwhelming German forces were forced to retreat to Rakoniewice.

on January 4, 1919, at.

evening evening the same day, at the home country was Jasińskich a council of war. It was attended by Lieutenant Zenkteler, who took command of the whole crew stationed in Rakoniewice and Siuda lieutenant, sergeant Bobkiewicz, insurgent Louis Nawrocki, a priest and chaplain Sztukowski physician Dr. Rost with Wielichowo and several others. At the meeting it was agreed plan of action on the following day Wolsztyn - January 5, 1919


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